Saturday 8 November 2008

Permanent Makeup advantages and disadvantages

What is permanent makeup?

The permanent makeup is also called Micropigmentation, and consists of the introduction of some pigments specific level of the epidermis. This implementation is painless and should be done with absolute guarantee of hygiene.

How is it done?
The technique is simple, it is introducing a very fine needle pigments in the specific area of the color desired and appropriate.

How long do you have?
It is a temporary treatment, the pigments are going to go to be absorbed through the skin. The duration is between one and a half years and two years later have to make tweaks to endure impeccable.

In what areas can be applied?
• Lips
• Eyebrows
• Eyelid (eye liner)
• Scars
• Vitiligo

What are the benefits of permanent makeup?
The advantages of permanent makeup are many depending on the area.

• appear that you're always massaged, you look good as long as you have done the work in a professional and appropriate.

• You can correct small imperfections.

• You can correct imbalances in small lips, inequalities of thickness.

• You can increase the lip contour.

• You can correct fix eyebrows blur or lack of excess hair depilation or scars.

• The eyebrows are very important because they frame the face, but by age are blurring, with the permanent makeup can give the desired shape to the brow on a permanent basis.

• With eye liner can make a very natural in both the upper and lower eyelid emphasizing and enhancing the look.

• We can give thickness to the lashes with a line very finite.

• It can be done in order to conceal scars breast halos produced by surgery or even make a new halo in the case of mastectomy chest.
What are the disadvantages or contraindications permanent makeup?

• You can not do the permanent makeup on freckles, warts, moles or skin lesions.

• You can not do the permanent makeup on patients with HIV positive people with allergies or major diseases.

• The day after treatment should not expose to the sun.

• Once the treatment will have an inflammation caused by the trauma caused by repeated penetration of the needle.

• A few days later and until we finish the healing process will have a small scab at the surface.

• Another disadvantage is that if we want to keep, we do touches every so often so that the result is favorable.

• If you are not done by a professional excellent results can be somewhat conducive and nothing natural.

VERY IMPORTANT, before becoming a permanent makeup treatment is very important to consult your dermatologist and make it a center for professional and aesthetics with security.

How can we rejuvenate our skin?

In order to have a young skin should be aware that we need antioxidants to fight against free radicals, these are some wastes that are conducive to the aging of our skin. Our body is able to develop yourself antioxidants to counteract the effects of free radicals, but it is also beneficial to bring our diet with an extra contribution of antioxidants to rejuvenate your skin.

What foods are rich in antioxidants?

- Including these foods in our diet to help combat the aging of the skin.

- Vitamin C: Citrus fruit in general, kiwi, strawberries, tomatoes and fresh vegetables.

- Vitamin E: Nuts, olive oil, eggs.

- Beta-carotene: Fruits and vegetables in shades of yellows and oranges.

- Copper: nuts, soy products, legumes.

- Glutathione: Spinach, garlic, corn, potatoes.

- Selenium: Brewers yeast, wheat germ, whole grains, liver, onions, asparagus.

- Zinc: eggs, beef liver, brewer's yeast.

A diet rich in antioxidants helps us to guard inside and maintain a healthy, thanks to the citrus fruits, nuts and other foods will keep our skin radiant and rejuvenated.

Best beauty tips

As a help to have a good tan through our diet

We can help our skin and prepare it during the winter so that when I get the first rays of sunshine this receptive to catch a good tone gold and therefore a good tan. To do this we will have a balanced diet and include some foods that we are going to prepare the skin for tanning.

What foods should include in our diet to get a good tan?

The food par excellence to have a good tan is the carrot, has carotene, which will stimulate tan long, but apart from this food are also influencing others such as foods rich in vitamins A, B, C and E.

Vitamin A: Eggs, corn, apricots, cantaloupe, tangerine. Nuts like almonds and peanuts. In vegetables are also a lot of vitamin A in carrots, parsley, peppers, tomatoes.

* Vitamin B: lean meats, vegetables, lentils, wheat, pulses.

* Vitamin C: Citrus fruits, peppers, radishes, fruits like bananas, watermelon, strawberries, grapes.

* Vitamin E: Nuts, soybeans, sunflower oil.

History of beauty. Beginning of beauty

We will now see the origins of the history of beauty and how our ancestors used the materials of which they have to create your own cosmetics.

In prehistoric times.

From this period we have very little information to talk with accuracy, we can talk about their concerns reflected in many artistic paintings.

Paleolithic painters already knew that dyes used in diluted fatty excipients that have been preserved and fossilized. These pigments us to believe that they were used to adorn his face and body.

Have discovered traces of antimony sulfide, tubes of pasta ocher rush and various belongings and it gives us to think that served to aesthetic care.

In the Mesopotamian.

The sources are quite slim. The ideal of beauty of the time were expensive thin, light skin, hair and eyebrows black or clear long.

We know that produce different kinds of perfumes. Their mythology tells us that the goddess Ishtar touched their eyes to bring his charm to the underworld. The eyes are highlighted and enlarged with Khola, a kind of mask-based antimony. (Also used at present). It also used similar products such as polo and gold, red and Illera Kalu. The eyebrows painted in a single stroke.

He also practiced waxing and nail care, teeth and ears.

In Palestine.

To speak of Palestine must take into account the influences exerted Persia and Egypt, which awakened his love for perfumes and cosmetics.

The main source we have it in a book of history as "The Bilblia" and especially the Old Testament, where you can find great information on care aesthetic of this town.

The feminine ideal of the era was long-necked, round eyes, black hair, red lips and very white teeth.

The great fertility of their lands, put a large amount of available raw materials that grew spontaneously as the mastic, saffron, the henna, aloe. and so on.

The women painted their eyes with Khola. Based powder used henna to stain the cheeks of red and orange red. To soften the skin using ointments, oils, perfumes, soap to wash used a composite of potash or alkali extracted from the ashes of plants such as beech.